About RSGK

Ready Steady Go Kids (Singapore)

The programme commenced in Australia in 2004 & Ready Steady Go Kids Singapore started in 2012 and is the first international franchise of the programme. Today, RSGK run the programme at more than 50 preschools across Singapore and also at 2 great futsal locations on the weekend & physio-designed programme is run at approximately 200 locations across Australia and many more internationally.

Official Website: http://www.readysteadygokids.com.sg/

Website with Booking System

The website design to align to the Master Franchisee corporate identity & color theme and enhanced with advance web booking system, flexible enquiry forms, integration & synchronized with google calendar for better schedule & booking management in one place. Get notifications and email updates automatically! What we did: Website development/ web-portal/ Social media integration/ Toggle/ Location selection/ Appointment booking/ Self Registration/Admin portal/ Automated email systems



Every website we done, we provide user training manual & assist till user are hand-on managing well the admin portal. We provide after delivery services 24/7 when there’s need. We provide fix bug & upgrade website programming language updates times by times. We notify user when there’s important tech-updates & perform with 100% satisfaction with No Downtime.